Frey, M. et al.: Bewährte und innovative operative Techniken zur Reanimation des gelähmten Gesichtes. [Proven and innovative operative techniques for reanimation of the paralyzed face]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 42(2): 81-9. 2010.
Frey, M., M. Michaelidou, et al. (2008). Three-dimensional video analysis of the paralyzed face reanimated by cross-face nerve grafting and free gracilis muscle transplantation: quantification of the functional outcome. Plast Reconstr Surg 122(6): 1709-22.
Frey, M. (2007): Brustrekonstruktion bei Mammakarzinom (Teil II). In: Mammakarzinom – Operative Behandlungskonzepte, Ed.: Raimund Jakesz und Manfred Frey, Springer Wien NewYork.
Frey, M. (2007): Prinzipien der Chirurgie peripherer Nerven, Chirurgische Therapie der Läsionen von Plexus und peripheren Nerven sowie rekonstruktive Eingriffe. In: Läsionen peripherer Nerven und radikuläre Syndrome (Hrsg: Marco Mummentaler, Manfred Stöhr und Hermann Müller-Vahl), Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
Frey, M. et al. (2006). Functional upgrading of partially recovered facial palsy by cross-face nerve grafting with distal end-to-side neurorrhaphy. Plast Reconstr Surg 117(2): 597-608.
Frey, M. et al. (2004). Dynamic reconstruction of eye closure by muscle transposition or functional muscle transplantation in facial palsy. Plast Reconstr Surg 114(4): 865-75.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli (2003). End-to-side neurorrhaphy of sensory nerves. Eur J Plast Surg 26: 85-88.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli (2003). End-to-side neurorrhaphy of motor nerves: Reinnervation of free muscle transplants – first clinical application. Eur J Plast Surg 26: 89-94.
Frey, M. and P. Giovanoli (2002). "The three-stage concept to optimize the results of microsurgical reanimation of the paralyzed face." Clin Plast Surg 29(4): 461-82.
Frey, M. (2001). Endoscopy and Microsurgery. Springer Vienna New York.
Frey, M. (1999). A new technique of reduction mammaplasty: Dermis suspension and elimination of medial scars. Br J Plast Surg 52(1): 45-51.
Frey, M. (1999). Smile reconstruction using the gracilis muscle. Operative techniques in plastic and reconstructive surgery 6(3): 180-189.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli, et al. (1999). "Three-dimensional video analysis of facial movements: A new method to assess the quantity and quality of the smile." Plast Reconstr Surg 104(7): 2032-9.
Frey, M. (1998). Die Primärrekonstruktion der Brust – Eine anspruchsvolle interdisziplinäre Aufgabe. Die interdisziplinäre kurative Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms – Was ist Standard, was Routine? H. W. Waclawiczek, C. Menzel, H. Hausmaninger, H. D. Kogelnik and G. Wolf. Heidelberg / Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, Hüthig GmbH: 86-92.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli, et al. (1998). "The qualification of different free muscle transplants to reconstruct mimic function: An experimental study in rabbits." Plast Reconstr Surg 101(7): 1774-83.
Frey, M. (1997). Verletzungen der Hand. Traumatologische Praxis – Standards in Diagnostik und Therapie für alle Fachgebiete. J. Durst. Stuttgart / New York, Schattauer Verlag: 461-487.
Frey, M., R. Koller, et al. (1992). Time course of histomorphometric alterations in nerve grafts without connection to a muscle target organ: An experimental study in sheep. J Reconstr Microsurg 8(5): 345-57.
Frey, M., W. Happak, et al. (1991). Histomorphometric studies in patients with facial palsy treated by functional muscle transplantation: New aspects for the surgical concept. Ann Plast Surg 26(4): 370-9.
Frey, M. (1991). Grundzüge der Handchirurgie. Chirurgische Operationslehre. J. Durst and J. W. Rohen. Stuttgart / New York, Schattauer Verlag: 777-807.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1990). Ipsilateral and cross-over elongation of the motor nerve by nerve grafting: An experimental study in sheep. Plast Reconstr Surg 85(1): 77-89; discussion 90-1.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1985). "Time course of alterations in muscle transfers with microneurovascular anastomoses. An experimental study in the rectus femoris muscle of the rabbit." J Reconstr Microsurg 2(1): 33-43.
Frey, M., H. Thoma, et al. (1984). The chronically stimulated muscle as an energy source for artificial organs – Preliminary results of a basic study in sheep. European Surgical Research 16: 232-237.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1983). The importance of the correct resting tension in muscle transplantation: Experimental and clinical aspects. Plast Reconstr Surg 71(4): 510-518.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1983). Experimental free-muscle transplantation with microneurovascular anastomoses. Plast Reconstr Surg 71(5): 689-701.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1982). An experimental comparison of the different kinds of muscle reinnervation: Nerve suture, nerve implantation and muscular neurotization. Plast Reconstr Surg 69(4): 656-667.
Frey, M., M. Michaelidou, et al. (2008). Three-dimensional video analysis of the paralyzed face reanimated by cross-face nerve grafting and free gracilis muscle transplantation: quantification of the functional outcome. Plast Reconstr Surg 122(6): 1709-22.
Frey, M. (2007): Brustrekonstruktion bei Mammakarzinom (Teil II). In: Mammakarzinom – Operative Behandlungskonzepte, Ed.: Raimund Jakesz und Manfred Frey, Springer Wien NewYork.
Frey, M. (2007): Prinzipien der Chirurgie peripherer Nerven, Chirurgische Therapie der Läsionen von Plexus und peripheren Nerven sowie rekonstruktive Eingriffe. In: Läsionen peripherer Nerven und radikuläre Syndrome (Hrsg: Marco Mummentaler, Manfred Stöhr und Hermann Müller-Vahl), Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
Frey, M. et al. (2006). Functional upgrading of partially recovered facial palsy by cross-face nerve grafting with distal end-to-side neurorrhaphy. Plast Reconstr Surg 117(2): 597-608.
Frey, M. et al. (2004). Dynamic reconstruction of eye closure by muscle transposition or functional muscle transplantation in facial palsy. Plast Reconstr Surg 114(4): 865-75.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli (2003). End-to-side neurorrhaphy of sensory nerves. Eur J Plast Surg 26: 85-88.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli (2003). End-to-side neurorrhaphy of motor nerves: Reinnervation of free muscle transplants – first clinical application. Eur J Plast Surg 26: 89-94.
Frey, M. and P. Giovanoli (2002). "The three-stage concept to optimize the results of microsurgical reanimation of the paralyzed face." Clin Plast Surg 29(4): 461-82.
Frey, M. (2001). Endoscopy and Microsurgery. Springer Vienna New York.
Frey, M. (1999). A new technique of reduction mammaplasty: Dermis suspension and elimination of medial scars. Br J Plast Surg 52(1): 45-51.
Frey, M. (1999). Smile reconstruction using the gracilis muscle. Operative techniques in plastic and reconstructive surgery 6(3): 180-189.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli, et al. (1999). "Three-dimensional video analysis of facial movements: A new method to assess the quantity and quality of the smile." Plast Reconstr Surg 104(7): 2032-9.
Frey, M. (1998). Die Primärrekonstruktion der Brust – Eine anspruchsvolle interdisziplinäre Aufgabe. Die interdisziplinäre kurative Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms – Was ist Standard, was Routine? H. W. Waclawiczek, C. Menzel, H. Hausmaninger, H. D. Kogelnik and G. Wolf. Heidelberg / Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag, Hüthig GmbH: 86-92.
Frey, M., P. Giovanoli, et al. (1998). "The qualification of different free muscle transplants to reconstruct mimic function: An experimental study in rabbits." Plast Reconstr Surg 101(7): 1774-83.
Frey, M. (1997). Verletzungen der Hand. Traumatologische Praxis – Standards in Diagnostik und Therapie für alle Fachgebiete. J. Durst. Stuttgart / New York, Schattauer Verlag: 461-487.
Frey, M., R. Koller, et al. (1992). Time course of histomorphometric alterations in nerve grafts without connection to a muscle target organ: An experimental study in sheep. J Reconstr Microsurg 8(5): 345-57.
Frey, M., W. Happak, et al. (1991). Histomorphometric studies in patients with facial palsy treated by functional muscle transplantation: New aspects for the surgical concept. Ann Plast Surg 26(4): 370-9.
Frey, M. (1991). Grundzüge der Handchirurgie. Chirurgische Operationslehre. J. Durst and J. W. Rohen. Stuttgart / New York, Schattauer Verlag: 777-807.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1990). Ipsilateral and cross-over elongation of the motor nerve by nerve grafting: An experimental study in sheep. Plast Reconstr Surg 85(1): 77-89; discussion 90-1.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1985). "Time course of alterations in muscle transfers with microneurovascular anastomoses. An experimental study in the rectus femoris muscle of the rabbit." J Reconstr Microsurg 2(1): 33-43.
Frey, M., H. Thoma, et al. (1984). The chronically stimulated muscle as an energy source for artificial organs – Preliminary results of a basic study in sheep. European Surgical Research 16: 232-237.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1983). The importance of the correct resting tension in muscle transplantation: Experimental and clinical aspects. Plast Reconstr Surg 71(4): 510-518.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1983). Experimental free-muscle transplantation with microneurovascular anastomoses. Plast Reconstr Surg 71(5): 689-701.
Frey, M., H. Gruber, et al. (1982). An experimental comparison of the different kinds of muscle reinnervation: Nerve suture, nerve implantation and muscular neurotization. Plast Reconstr Surg 69(4): 656-667.